Our mission is simple:
Live A Life 
you LOVE
that fullfils you
with purpose
that brings you joy
you choose
It’s what we stand for and why we exist. It drives our passion & inspires us to do better and be better, every day.
Years Operating
1 +
Support Staff
1 +
hours of support each year
1 +

We genuinely care

With over 50% of our leaders and workforce having a lived or living experience of mental health and disability, either personally or through caring for a loved one, uniquely, we understand!We understand the leap of faith people make when they decide to bring supports into their life and their home.Sunnyside Australia is a values-driven organisation and welcomes new team members based on their skills, qualifications and how well they align with and live by our values.Relationships are important. We take our time to get to know each person. Once we understand what is important and helpful, we work together to personalise support that is just right.What’s Important To Us?Trust, integrity and respect. ‘We respect each person’s right to make decisions about their own life and don’t judge. We know our place and view each person as the captain of their own ship’.We help people belong, find real inclusion, and participate in the social and economic life of their community.We work in ways which encourage hope, insight, and independence while exploring life, having fun and making memories!

Our Support Services

We partner with you to help you achieve your goals

Support Coordination

Accommodation Support

Short Term Accommodation (STA) & Respite

1:1 Support

Employment Support

Gold Coast Clubhouse logo

Gold Coast Clubhouse

I have been supported by Sunnyside for nearly 4 years now. My life changed for the better when Danni and Sunnyside came into my life. I had never experienced anyone care so much, and so purely from the heart. Sunnyside are more like family than support workers. They have always been there for me and I will forever be grateful to have them in my life. They are like my Guardian Angels.
Kristy G

Strengths Based

We understand that people are generally doing the best they can with the knowledge, skills, and resources they have. 


We place the person at the centre of their life. We see the person as the captain of their own ship and the expert in their own life.


We seek to support people to find and unleash their own ME power to make their own choices about how they want to live their life. 

Trauma Informed

Trauma Informed Practice recognises the prevalence of trauma and creates an understanding and responsiveness to the impact trauma has on individuals and communities.

Partner With Us

Explore life and reach your goals with Sunnyside by your side.  Partner with us today
